Hazzit Everybody,
The rain is coming down hard as we speak, it's almost hard to think it's so loud! This lan house has a tin roof so it's like people are doing fireworks on the roof!
This week was super cool! We knocked A TON of doors, we closed the week with almost 30 portas entradas, doors entered. So of all the houses we knocked, 30 of them let us in and we were able to do our thing inside! This is the most doors I've been able to get in - - in a week in like all my mission.
We had a few interesting lessons, one of the coolest - - we taught an Adventista do setimo dia couple, in English I think it's Adventist of the seventh day. They were missionaries too. The moment I stepped in the house I felt the spirit say, "Sabbath Day" and right when I felt that I starting gettin' ready in my head what I was going use. So we sat down we talked a little, "oh your american cool". Then there was like a little pause - - then they said, "Why do you guys worship on Sunday if the Sabbath is on Saturday?" In Portugese the word sabbath is Sabado, and Sabado in Portugese also means Saturday. So when they read in the bible, "guardar o sabado" they're literally reading, "keep saturday holy". A lot of people mistake the day because of the translation in Portugese. I really felt that wasn't going to prove anything to these guys becasue this is the worldwide religion. So I couldn't really just focus on the translation of the word itself because there are people in different countries that speak a different language too and that believe the same thing. So my companion described the "new law" that Jesus left after He established His church. The law of Moses was changed, eye for an eye tooth for a tooth - - blah blah blah and then I came in with these 3 scriptures that just shut it down. I said it's interesting that after Christ establishes this church of His, He starts calling the sabbath day by another name. In Corinthians 2:16 He calls it the "first day of the week", in Acts 20:7 or 8 I cant remember right now, it is also called the first day of the week, and in Revelations like in the beginning of the book I forget the reference He starts calling it the "Lord's day". So like you can see how the sabbath day was changing,and in the beginning of Mark chapter 2 or 3 the Lord breaks the sabbath with His apostles, picking corn. You can see that the Lord was already starting to change the day and you look on any calendar the "first day of the week" is Sunday. We didn't even need to explain that Christ was resurrected on a Sunday, like they already knew they were burned, LoL. The guy didn't say anything he was just like, "Well ugh, you guys know the bible!" Ha ha, I told him, "Yes sir we do." He wanted us to come back, and so we will go back there tomorrow. I have no doubt that guy is studying his butt off, to try and get us on something, ahh, but well be ready.
Before my mission I didn't even know the difference between the Old and New Testament, but I have learned sooo much. Studying is one of the greastest things you do as a missionary, you actually learn how to study. You form study habits, that you will use after the mission - - in school and I'm really thankful for that.
We are planning a baptism for this Sunday. It's hard when you don't have a ward mission leader. I feel like we do everything by ourselves, but if that's what it takes to move the work forward in this area - - then we'll continue to do it.
This Sunday the chapel was full!! They had to get chairs for people in the back. 67 people in church this Sunday! We had 2 less active families make it, we've been working with them this whole week and they loved it! Adrielle that girl that we baptized brought her cousin and her boyfriend to church. When I saw Adrielle come in the the chapel with the people she brought I almost teared up! So good to see our new converts sharing this great gospel! Ana one of our investigators brought her 4 nieces who loved primary! Super Super good Sunday. There is nothing better then seeing the people you love in sacrament meeting participating in gosple doctering, or in primary or in young men. Transfers are this week, I hope I don't leave this area. We'll see.
We have a Christmas conference on December 16th, that is the big mail day! Thank you shipping my stuff.
Love you all. tchau Elder Akina