Hey Mom,
Sorry I didn't email!! This week was suuuper busy. Ana Claudia did get baptized - - it was one of the coolest experiences I have ever had! It was marked for Saturday, but she ended up getting baptized Sunday. General Conference played a HUGE part in her conversion, it was so cool! I brought my camera to the baptism and forgot my memory card wasn't in it - - so other Elders took pictures. They'll send them tomorrow, then I'll send them to you guys. Ana Claudia is fighting right now in Minas Gerais, she's doing some tournament and she'll be back in a couple of days.
3rd pair of shoes - - Mission Trophies! |
The office is really hectic, always somewhere to go or something to do. I am in my 4th transfer here. We got a new Financial Secretary, his name is Elder Duarte from Manaus. We have a Multi Zona coming up on the 21st with the whole mission - - which is a lot of work, vans, lunch, certificates, pretty much all of the stuff I had always thought just magically appeared at these types of events and I have to organize now - - lol. My companion goes home in 3 weeks. I go home on September 13th. (Can you hear our secret squeals of happiness all the way from El Paso?) You guys aren't coming to pic me up, right? We have a huge group of missionaries going home in June, I have already started buying their tickets home.
I will look for your Nativities, I'll bring them home with me. I like the idea of the green/yellow ties. If not - - pick something you think will look good.